“Just one great partnership with the right person can have an incredible impact on your business success.” – Janine Ogg and Jo Foster
Building a business means working with the right people, and for us, that means treating advisors like clients: we put them first by supporting their growth so they can provide the best service possible.
And it’s been working. Family Wealth Advisors have, on average, seen an annual increase in both their client list (+6.5%) and assets under management (+12%).
Here’s how we do it—together.
The Bellwether Model
With global wealth rising at record rates, according to Credit Suisse, there is a greater need for financial planning than ever. But advisors are stretched too thin, and there’s a need to adapt to the shifting landscape of financial services.
As a career that derives part of its income from book size, advisors often focus on growth. This may work for a while but can eventually lead to burnout, losing their love for helping clients, or, worst of all, not having enough time to give each client the attention and service they deserve.
“It can be hard to wear so many hats,” remarks Susan Schulze, Vice President of Practice Management. “When you’re young and driven, it may not be so apparent. As you grow the business, managing portfolios, providing financial planning services, worrying about regulatory requirements… they all start to add up.”
“Advisors want to grow, and we can help make sure that doesn’t come at the cost of the client experience.”
“We’ve developed a solution that emphasizes partnership and collaboration, one that delegates and allows everyone to be a master at what they do.” Schulze ends on a high note, because when “advisors are happy, clients are happy, and so are we.”
The Bellwether Model she describes focuses on allowing Family Wealth Advisors to get back to the excitement they first experienced. The two arms of the business come together to provide comprehensive services by splitting the workload:
- Bellwether Investment Management handles portfolio management, asset allocation, investment strategies, compliance, and operations. Essentially, reducing administrative burdens.
- Bellwether Family Wealth is responsible for financial planning, providing bespoke advice, and fostering meaningful relationships. Basically, understanding clients leads to serving them better.
By supporting advisors, we support clients. At the end of the day, it always comes back to the client, but that doesn’t mean advisors can’t benefit along the way.
Benefits of Partnering with Bellwether
You’re probably on a winning team, but what about an award-winning team? We’re not just one of the top 50 largest private investment counsel firms in Canada with a compound annual AUM growth of +60% since 2014, but our parent company, Lorne Park Capital Partners, also:
- Ranked No. 1 Canadian financial company on The Financial Times list of The Americas’ Fastest Growing Companies 2022.
- Ranked on The Globe and Mail’s fourth annual ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies 2022.
- Ranked top 20 in Fintech, Financial Services, and Insurance Sector on The Financial Times list of The America’s Fastest Growing Companies 2023.
- Ranked top 10 top performers on the 2023 TSX Venture 50TM.
And we plan on doing it again, maybe even with you on our team.
If you’re interested in learning how we can help each other grow, reach out today to see what the new face of wealth management can offer you. When we collaborate, we succeed.